Holiday Haul #1

11 years ago

 Let me start by apologising for the state of my bedroom, it is a bit of a mess. But that is not the focus of this post. It's about all these great things I bought while in  Bath and Bristol. I spent quite a lot of my money in Urban Outfitters, as I usually do, but once I start looking it's hard to stop!

I am really over-the-moon about the outfits I got from UO, after all it will soon be summer and it's time to start investing in a summer wardrobe. There definitely were plenty more things in-store that, if I was rich, would be mine now. But the first thing I fell in love was this black and white checked playsuit. The cut of it is really flattering because, although it's not fitted, the tie at the back brings it in a bit more at the waist so it gives the impression of a feminine silhouette but still keeps the oversized style. It's also one of the most comfortable items of clothing I've ever worn, there's so much leg room in the shorts it makes such a change from wearing restrictive denim shorts. I normally buy a medium in my clothes but for this and the dress a small was a much better fit.
The crop top and tailored trousers combo is maybe my favourite purchase, as I've been looking for a co-ord for weeks! I never normally wear this sort of thing and I love being able to try out new fashions so when I tried this outfit on I felt awesome. I'm not one of those people with a washboard stomach so when it comes to crop tops I do get slightly nervous, but paired with the trousers it shows enough flesh to keep it seasonal and classy. I find the outfit as a whole quite sophisticated and extremely flattering and teamed with a pair of heels (killer or otherwise) it will definitely be a winner.
Last but by no means least is this floral dress which, although I tried it on at the same time, I didn't get till the next day (this is essentially my Easter egg from my parents!) I have a party coming up in a couple of weeks and the theme is "festivals" so instead of my planned t-shirt and shorts regular combo I think this dress might make an outing. I love the overlapping strap detail across the neck because it definitely adds interest to the outfit and it means you don't have to bother with a necklace. 
I also finally got a full-sized bottle of Benefit's They're Real mascara (read about my hype over it here) which is a godsend because my little bottle is on its last legs! With that I received a sample of Benefit's Big Easy tinted moisturiser which, although it comes with a heft £27.50 price tag, would definitely be worth saving for. The woman on the Benefit stall used some on me and it is the best coverage I've ever had, as well as it being mositurising and lightweight. 
All in all, an excellent haul for me! Has anyone else had a successful shopping trip recently?

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