Prom Season

I'm writing this in a really sad and nostalgic state of mind with blistered feet and hairspray matted hair and all I want is to rewind to yesterday morning and do my hair and make up all over again. It was such a fun-filled night and it was genuinely lovely to see every gal at my school dressed so nicely. For all the fun we had, I wish I had more photos! It was such a busy night and with so many people to see and a pretty great DJ, it was so difficult to fit in all the photos. However, there will never be enough photos in the world to be able to fully capture how beautiful everybody looked that night and how much fun it truly was to get dressed up, feel fantastic and celebrate with the rest of year 11. As part of the prom committee who helped organise the whole thing I'm not ashamed to say that I am really proud of what we achieved with last night and am over the moon that everyone had a good time. Class of 2015, we did good.

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