Have Your Cake And Eat It
Do you ever have those days during the holidays when you've got no plans and all you can think about is things you should be doing, things you want to be doing and the impending doom of school. Today was one of those days. I watched 5 whole episodes of Sleeping With The Family, 2 episodes of Catfish and ate an entire easter egg in one go. Then I went for a run (which shows the levels of my boredom) before deciding to do a wee bit of baking (I am a food tech student anyway). This is my adapted recipe of some healthy muffins for my new healthy(ish) regime.
For 12 muffins (or 16 little cakes) you need:
- cupcake cases
- 140g flour
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 140g wheat bran (I used museli because it's the only way I'd eat museli)
- 115g caster sugar
- 150g raisins
- 2 eggs
- 250 ml skimmed/semi-skimmed milk
- 6 tbsp sunflower oil
- 1 tsp vanilla
Basically I just bunged the flour, baking powder, sugar, raisins and museli in a bowl and mixed. Then I whisked all the other ingredients together before combining, mixing and pouring into the cases. Baked at 200C for 20 minutes, mega simple!