Guess Who's Back?

10 years ago
Shady's back!

Beginning the first post in months claiming to be Eminem. Why so cocky? Considering I've been MIA for a good while, what right do I have to begin so confidently instead of coming back with my tail between my legs? Well I've just finished my GCSEs that's why. The longest month of my life, day after day of relentless revision and a forest worth of past papers are finally over. And I never have to use a calculator ever again my friend Meg helpfully pointed out. How have your exams gone/are they going?

So Shady truly is back. For me, summer has started (hang in there you lot, only a couple more exams/weeks left for summer) so that means I have an expansive amount of time stretched out ahead of me. With this time I PROMISE to write some new content for my blog. I really am sorry for my absence, the pressure I was putting myself under was unreal. But as I say, I'm back and frankly buzzing to get writing again. Despite what my recent post history suggests, writing is my absolute passion and I love having this blog to keep up with so I'm really looking forward to get cracking. To all of you who continue to read my blog, thank you so much! I don't deserve such readership with my poor attendance. I hope you continue to enjoy my blog and spread the word of Dedicated Follower Of Fashion.

Have a wonderful summer and I'll be back soon!

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